
Calypso Hunt & Draw:
Partly oceanic M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

Arkadia Hunt & Draw:
Mostly temperate continental M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

Rocktropia Hunt & Draw:
Mostly arid continental M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

violet main sequence star set inside golden-green laurels
The People's Front; now in Star Citizen
Hypercharged logo against night lightning.

PFEU Globals

Sunday, ISO: 2025-February-09, 02:41 hours, UTC.

One of the exciting aspects of hunting in Entropia Universe is the prospect of significantly larger than average loot returns from a vanquished beastie. These significantly larger loot returns are called globals. A small proportion of PFEU Hunts get a global and have been tabulated, here, for anyone who is interested. As a continuation of the initiative, inaugerated by GillG (2013-0210-0600), we are also integrating globals from GillG's CheapA$$ hunts into the beginning of the table (at the bottom to help set events in their historical context). Although tables normally are limited in the amount of information they can present on a page, in this case, greater detail can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the related field. Enjoy!

PFEU Hunting Globals
Time-stamp Hunt Draw Team Leader Loadout Venue Beastie Global
2015-1024-2307 Calypso   248 19 6 Mercurio Shotgun Fort Isis Allophyl 81
2015-1004-1209 ROCKtropia   48 10 10 Mercurio Shotgun Sinners Virus Kong 109
2015-0725-2306 Calypso   235 17 6 Mercurio Shotgun Lost Valley Allophyl 72
2015-0710-2323 Arkadia     82 13 6 Simone Rubio Ocean Lkt. Feran 11
2015-0614-1208 ROCKtropia   32 8 8 Mercurio Shotgun Landfill Werewolf 50
2015-0502-2318 Calypso   223 19 10 Mercurio Shotgun Lost Valley Allophyl 110
2015-0425-2301 Calypso   222 11 6 Frostcaller Shotgun Isis Combibo 20
2015-0410-2310 Arkadia     69 12 6 Simone Rubio LA6 Halix 12
2015-0405-1157 ROCKtropia   22 7 7 Mercurio Shotgun Stadium Motorhead 57
2014-1213-2338 Calypso   203 14 6 Mercurio Shotgun Zonnestralje Merp 12
2014-1101-2344 Calypso   195 13 6 Mercurio Shotgun Isis Allophyl 59
2014-1030-0444 Calypso   194 9 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Snablesnot 6
2014-1030-0433 Calypso   194 9 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Cornundacauda 20
2014-1024-2303 Arkadia     45 9 9 Simone CheapA$$ LA6 Halix 19
2014-1018-2335 Calypso   189 11 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Atrax 291
2014-1016-0432 Calypso   188 5 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Isis Cornundos 16
2014-0927-2326 Calypso   180 11 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Lost Valley Merp 12
2014-0920-2335 Calypso   177 16 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Isis Plumatergus 17
2014-0918-0434 Calypso   176 6 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Cornundacauda 19
2014-0831-1217 Calypso   169 9 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Snablesnot 10
2014-0824-1233 Calypso   166 10 5 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Caudatergus 13
2014-0814-0419 Calypso   161 8 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Isis Snablesnot 10
2014-0808-2256 Arkadia     34 11 6 Simone CheapA$$ Cyclone Jori 15
2014-0807-0443 Calypso   158 6 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Snablesnot 8
2014-0626-0401 Calypso   140 6 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Lost Valley Berycled 16
2014-0614-2312 Calypso   135 11 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Cornundacauda 14
2014-0502-2318 Arkadia     20 12 8 Simone CheapA$$ LA6 Halix 42
2014-0427-1231 Calypso   115 8 5 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Snablesnot 10
2014-0427-1218 Calypso   115 8 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Eurus Faucervix 10
2014-0425-2310 Arkadia     19 11 6 Simone CheapA$$ Lookout Feran 16
2014-0213-0412 Calypso     83 8 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Isis Snablesnot 10
2014-0116-0412 Calypso     71 7 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Isis Combibo 13
2014-0109-0413 Calypso     68 8 6 Mercurio CheapA$$ Isis Combibo 32
2013-0817-12?? CheapA$$   167 5 5 GillG CheapA$$ ? ? ?
2013-0513-1323 CheapA$$     80 7 7 GillG CheapA$$ ? Argonaut 72
2013-0427-1348 CheapA$$     65 6 6 GillG CheapA$$ ? Kerberos 11
2013-0424-1315 CheapA$$     63 6 6 GillG CheapA$$ ? Exarasaur 17
2013-0411-1200 CheapA$$     50 12 12 GillG CheapA$$ Orthos Field Takeover! ??
2013-0326-1213 CheapA$$     36 5 5 GillG CheapA$$ ? Daikiba 18
2013-0306-13?? CheapA$$     20 10 10 GillG CheapA$$ ? ? 12

Statistics: Beware of wookies bearing cookies

Sunday, ISO: 2025-February-09, 02:41 hours, UTC.

A wookie with a cookie
Figure 1. A three dimensional plot showing multiple overlapping
modes demonstrating the average use of statistics in the 21st Century.

First and foremost, it is worth noting the abnormally large global which occurred during PFEU Calypso Hunt #189. Outliers, such as this, are indicative of additional modalities and, in the absence of a statistically significant sample of the modality indicated, dictate that the current statistical sample is insufficient. This, additionally, can lead to statistical paradoxes, such as Simpson's Paradox (Simpson, 1951), if not separated from data prior to comparisons being made with smaller samples. For this reason, the following analysis excludes the 291 PED global of PFEU Calyspos Hunt #189. After all, it would be unreasonable to assume, at this stage, that Arkadia would not have an equivalent outlier by the time the number of Arkadian hunts has reached 200.

Over the course of 45 hunts the PFEU saw 4 globals, on Arkadia, returning a total of 92 PED. Over the course of 203 hunts the PFEU saw 19 globals, on Calypso, returning a total of 289 PED. That's an average of one global every 11 hunts on Arkadia and Calypso alike. The average contribution, from globals, is about 2.04 PED per hunt on Arkadia compared with about 1.42 PED per hunt on Calypso. This may correspond to the effect of activity levels on localised loot contributions. This could refer, for example, to more hunters hitting at the same time thereby winning back a smaller share of the available loot pool for the time in question - just as team loot shares will decrease as the number of active team members increases. However, it remains a fact that these samples are too small to be representative and it could just as easily be the result of fractal artefacts such as the complete lack of globals in the first 67 PFEU Calypso Hunts. The odds against this occurring in a truly random system are only 6:1 and, yet, for such odds, a spectacular artefact is produced, nonetheless.

Fractals are generally comprised of complex patterns, fragments of which repeat in both time and scale. Assuming that a fractal pattern (e.g. a Julia Set) is in play, we can predict that not only will certain sequences and Markov chains repeat in time, but also in scale or, rather, across statistical modes. When the statistical sample is large enough, for example, the patterns we have seen in globals will not only recur in globals but we will also see them beginning to emerge in the population sequence of outlier globals or "HoFs". This is to say that statistical significance is not nearly as open and shut as some statisticians may like to assume. Until we encounter an outlier class which develops, with sample size, into a coherent population curve in its own right and with no further outliers emerging, it is safe to say that the sample size remains statistically insignificant. Much as we may perceive patterns in the numbers to date, they are insufficient in sample to allow viable predictions.